姓名 |
原軍 |
性别 |
男 |

出生年月 |
1979年2月 |
政治面貌 |
中共黨員 |
民族 |
漢 |
籍貫 |
山西長治 |
學曆/學位 |
研究生/博士 |
職稱 |
教授 |
是否碩導/博導 |
碩導 |
個人郵箱 |
fromyuanjun@tom.com |
研究方向 |
組合圖論 |
主講課程 |
數學分析、高等數學 |
學術兼職 |
中國運籌學會圖論組合學分會理事 |
1998.09—2002.07 山西大學數學系數學教育專業學習,獲理學學士學位;
2002.09—2005.07 山西大學數學科學學院應用數學專業學習,獲理學碩士學位;
2005.09—2008.07 山西大學數學科學學院應用數學專業學習,獲理學博士學位;
2008.08—2010.10 澳门新葡萄8884官网數學系講師;
2010.11—至今 澳门新葡萄8884官网數學系副教授。
1. 2011年獲山西省自然科學類科技進步三等獎。
2. 2014、2017年獲澳门新葡萄8884官网優秀共産黨員。
1.主持國家自然基金青年項目“基于并行系統互連網絡的條件連通性及故障診斷問題的研究(批準号: 614023 17)”2015.01-2017.12, 26萬,在研。
2.主持國家自然基金天元基金項目“圖的k-限制連通度和k-限制邊連通度的優化研究 (批準号:11126076)”2012.01-2012. 12,3萬,結題。
4.主持山西省青年科技研究基金“網絡系統拓撲結構的可靠性參數的優化和計算(批準号:2012021001-2)”2012.01-2014. 12, 3萬,結題(優秀)。
1.Jun Yuan*, Huijuan Qiao, Aixia Liu, et al. Measurement and algorithm for conditional local diagnosis of regular networks under the MM* model[J]. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 309 (2022): 46-67.(SCI收錄)
2.Jun Yuan*, Huijuan Qiao, Aixia Liu. The Rg-conditional diagnosability of international networks[J]. Theoretical Computer Science 898 (2022) 30-43.(SCI收錄)
3.Jun Yuan*, Ying Li, Aixia Liu, et al. The non-inclusive g-good-neighbor diagnosability of interconnection networks[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 26 (2022),in press.(SCI收錄)
4.Jun Yuan*, Huijuan Qiao, Aixia Liu. The upper and lower bounds of Rg-conditional diagnosability of networks[J]. Information Processing Letters, 176 (2022): 106248.(SCI收錄)
5.Aixia Liu, Jun Yuan*, Shiying Wang, et al. On g-good-neighbor conditional connectivity and diagnosability of hierarchical star networks[J]. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 293 (2021): 95-113.(SCI收錄)
6.Jun Yuan*, Aixia Liu, Xi Wang. The Relationship Between the g-Extra Connectivity and the g-Extra Diagnosability of Networks Under the MM* Model[J]. The Computer Journal, 64 (2021): 921-928.(SCI收錄)
7.Aixia Liu, Jun Yuan*, Shiying Wang. The g-Extra Conditional Diagnosability of Graphs in Terms of g-Extra Connectivity[J]. Parallel Processing Letters, 30 (2020): 2040006.(EI收錄)
8.Aixia Liu, Shiying Wang, Jun Yuan*, et al. The h-extra connectivity of k-ary n-cubes[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 784 (2019): 21-45.(SCI收錄)
9.Liqiang Fan,Jun Yuan*. The diagnosability of k-ary n-cubes with missing edges.Internatioanl Journal of Parallel Emergent and Distributed Systems, DOI:10.1080/17445760.2019.1655741.(EI收錄)
10.Aixia Liu,Shiying Wang,Jun Yuan*. On g-extra conditional diagnosability of hypercubes and folded hypercubes[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 704 (2017): 62–73.(SCI收錄)
11.Jun Yuan*, Aixia Liu, et. al.Sufficient conditions for triangle-free graphs to be super k-restricted edge-connected[J]. Information Processing Letters, 116(2016): 163–167.(SCI收錄)
12.Jun Yuan*,Aixia Liu, et. al.gGood-neighbor conditional diagnosability measures for 3-ary n-cube networks[J]. Theoretical Computer Science, 626 (2016): 144–162.(SCI收錄)
13.原軍,劉愛霞,局部内(外)半完全有向圖可迹的充分條件[J]. 應用數學學報,39(2) 2016: 200-212.
14.Jun Yuan*,Aixia Liu, Jifu Zhang, et. al.The good-neighbor conditional diagnosability of k-Ary n-cubes under the PMC model and MM* model[J].IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed systems, 26(2015):1165-1177.(SCI收錄)
15.Jun Yuan*,Aixia Liu, et. al. Panconnectivity of n-dimensional torus networks with faulty vertices and edges[J]. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161 (2013): 404–423.(SCI收錄)
16.劉愛霞,原軍*,超級限制邊連通二部圖的充分條件[J]. 應用數學學報,36(2) 2013: 209-216.
17.Jing Li*, Di Liu,Jun Yuan.Pancyclicity of k-ary n-cube networks with faulty vertices and edges[J]. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160 (2012): 231–238.(SCI收錄)
18.Jun Yuan*,Aixia Liu.The k-Restricted Edge Connectivity of Balanced Bipartite Graphs[J].Graphs and Combinatorics, 27 (2011):289–303.(SCI收錄)
19.Jun Yuan*,Aixia Liu. Sufficient conditions for lammd_k-optimality in triangle-free graphs[J].Discrete Mathematics, 310 (2010): 981-987.(SCI收錄)
20.Jun Yuan*,Aixia Liu, Shiying Wang.Sufficient conditions for bipartite graphs to be super-k-restricted edge connected[J].Discrete Mathematics, 309 (2009): 2886-2896.(SCI收錄)
21.Shiying Wang*,Jun Yuan,Aixia Liu.k-Restricted edge connectivity for some interconnection networks[J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 201 (2008): 587–596.(SCI收錄)
22.Shiying Wang*,Jun Yuan,Shangwei Lin. DNA labelled graphs with DNA computing[J]. Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 51(2008): 437–452.(SCI收錄)